Upcoming Community Events
September Food Truck Night – Save the Date For The Last Food Truck Night of the Summer. It will be Thursday September 17th at the Wheatlands Community Park. Have a night off from cooking and enjoy some delicious food! Thank you to the YMCA and Amber Prom for organizing these nights for our community. A big thank you to all the residents who participated and made the events successful this summer!
Save the Date – We will be having a fall pumpkin patch at the Wheatlands Community Park on Sunday, October 25th from 10am-12pm. More information to come.
Pool Information –
The pool will be open until September 20th this year! In August, we transitioned to school pool hours with Swim at your Own Risk from Noon – 4pm during the week day. Lifeguards are on duty after 4pm on week days and on duty all day during the weekends. To get all the details on the pool visit our website: https://www.wheatlandsmetro.org/parks-recreation/pools/
• Swim at Your Own Risk M-F Noon – 4pm : We will have a YMCA staff member at the gate to ensure our pool stays under the capacity limit but we will not have any lifeguards in the stands during this time. The swim times will be 12-1:45pm and 2:15-4pm. All children under the age of 18, need to be accompanied by their parents or guardians to participate in the Swim at Your Own Risk hours.
• Lifeguards on Duty M-F from 4-8pm: We will have Lifeguards on Duty during the evenings Monday – Friday. The swim times will be 4:15-5:45pm and 6:15-7:45pm.
• Weekend hours: Weekend hours will remain the same as during the summer and are Saturday and Sunday 8 am – 8pm with lap swimming in the morning. Lap swimming will be from 8-9:30am. Then the following swim times are available for open swim: 10-11:30, 12-1:30, 2-3:30, 4-5:30, and 6-7:30.
Clubhouse Information – The clubhouse is now open for rentals again. Due to COVID-19, we do have a few changes to our rental policy that can be found on our website. To view the new details regarding renting the clubhouse click here.
Office is located at the Southlands Mall:
6295 S. Main St Unit 104 (next to massage envy)
Aurora, CO 80016
Park Information – We appreciate your help keeping our park a safe and fun place to play. Security cameras are being installed at the park after the recent vandalism. We appreciate our neighbors also keeping an eye out for any destructive behavior and reporting it if you see it. We want everyone in our community to be able to enjoy the park and by following the
Park Rules we can keep the park in good condition for years to come.
District Landscape Information – Our district landscaping crew, is working hard to remove and replace the dead trees in the district. You may notice new trees stored at the Wheatlands clubhouse parking lot during this time while they wait to be planted. This winter was really hard on our trees however the board recognizes the importance of replacing them and keeping the aesthetics of our neighborhood in pristine condition. In addition, the board is partnering with a landscape architect to enhance the plants and look of our main entrance at Wheatlands Pkwy and Smoky Hill. Now that the City of Aurora has completed placing the new street lights, we see an opportunity to have additional plants and a better design around our monuments on these two corners.
Next Board Meeting
Thursday, September 10th at 6:00 pm
this meeting will be a zoom meeting
Telephone #: 720-707-2699
Meeting ID: 927 9420 2546
Passcode: 780914
Common Violation Trends
There are some common violation trends we can see from comparing the violation reports from last year and this year. During the summer months the most common violations we see are Weeds, Lawn Maintenance, Dead Trees and other seasonal related items.
-Many violation types have gone down from last year.
Fence Maintenance, Weeds and Lawn maintenance violations have all gone down by over half from 2019
-Some have increased.
Dead tree violations have tripled from 2019 due to the early freeze we had in the fall of 2019 and the late freeze we had this spring.
-Some have remained consistent
Trash can and items stored violations have remained static.
If you have any questions on violations or issues you are seeing around the neighborhood please email [email protected] with your questions or concerns.
Tree Information
Please remember that the dead tree replacement deadline is fast approaching. All dead trees must be replaced by September 30th, 2020. If you have already purchased your tree, but you are awaiting delivery or it is on back order due to high demand, please make sure to communicate that to us at [email protected]
How to respond to District rule violation notices
Address it: Ignoring a violation notice won’t make it go away and can make the situation much worse, if not responded to. Once you’ve received a violation notice, take steps to understand and correct the violation, and either pay or appeal the fine if issued.
Don’t take it personally: Remember that the rules were created to keep the community safe and comfortable for residents, including you. You agreed to abide by the rules when you bought your home.
Communicate: While friendly phone or email communication can address minor infractions or warnings, written communication and documentation helps create clarity for everyone involved. When you’ve been accused of a rule’s violation, it’s best to address it in writing. If there are extenuating circumstances—like a family emergency that causes you to fall behind on lawn care—communicate that to your Covenant enforcement manager at [email protected] . You don’t know if an exception might be made until you ask.
Get involved: There is usually a correlation between the level of homeowner involvement and the success of a community. So, if you want to improve your community, volunteer for a board or committee position or attend meetings to see how you can contribute.
Wheatlands Recreation Center
To follow the construction of the new Wheatlands Recreation Center.
Southlands & YMCA Events and Programs
The Southlands Shopping center continues to offer events and programs virtually and in person
Kids Night Out at the YMCA at Southlands
When: Friday, September 18th
5:30 pm-8:30 pm
Where: YMCA 6295 S Main St. (next to massage envy)
Aurora, CO 80016
What: Kids Night Out
Drop the kids off for 3 hours of fun. Games, crafts and a movie. Due to Covid no food will be served. You can pack a drink and snack for your child if you would like.
Cost: $15/child
limited to 15 kids.
Registration is Open